MP lives and works in the Paris area. She studied architecture in France and the United States.

In 2008, her artistic soul took over architecture, and in the same move, she left Paris to settle in the countryside.
Her art is multi-disciplinary, using all media: drawing, photography, video, writing and sculpture, with a predilection for the play of light.
Using found and discarded objects, artifacts from the past, and in the spirit of play, she creates works that highlight her desire for exploration, her fragility, and her vision of the world as a poetic reaction to a dehumanized, technological society far removed from nature.

The objects produced are often animated and practicable. They are accompanied by photos, videos and soundtracks featuring the sounds and images of nature. Viewers can immerse themselves in her installations.
She has written an essay on art, “S’accrocher au monde”, published in March 2021 by L’art-dit, and an essay on the unconscious, “l’inconscient(e)”, published in September 2022 by Stilus. A third book on art and space is in progress.

Portrait de Marianne Pascal

Mobile phone: +33 635 2117 84

Mail: MP[a]

Workshop: click here